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Revitalising Grimsby’s Evening -Time Economy

I know lots of our local community are unsure of igniting an evening - time economy in our town centre. 

However a vibrant evening-time economy is crucial for our town centre.

It can drive economic growth, strengthen community bonds, and introduce new experiences that are currently missing.

As Grimsby embarks on a journey to revitalise its evening-time economy, there are exciting developments and thoughtful strategies in place to ensure this transformation is both inclusive and safe for everyone.

The Significance of a Vibrant Evening-Time Economy:

A thriving evening-time economy goes beyond the usual bar and nightclub scene. 

It encompasses a wide range of activities and venues that cater to diverse interests and demographics. 

This includes dining, entertainment, cultural events, and leisure activities that can attract families, young professionals, and older residents alike. 


A well-rounded evening-time economy can:

Boost Local Economy: Increased foot traffic during evening hours supports local businesses, from restaurants and cafes to cultural events and shops.

Enhance Quality of Life: A variety of night-time options can make a town more livable and enjoyable, offering residents and visitors alike more reasons to engage with the urban environment.

Promote Social Interaction: By providing safe, welcoming spaces for people to gather, a vibrant evening-time economy fosters community spirit and social cohesion.


Strategies for Enhancing Safety and Inclusivity

For Grimsby, the goal is to create a evening-time economy that moves beyond its current focus on drinking culture, offering a family-friendly and inclusive environment. 

Here are some strategies being implemented to achieve this vision:

1. Developing a Cinema and Leisure Area

 Grimsby is taking significant steps towards enhancing its evening-time economy by building a new cinema and leisure area. This development aims to provide alternative entertainment options that appeal to families and individuals who prefer non-alcoholic activities.

While some community members are skeptical about the potential success of a cinema, believing it may not attract the audience needed for its success, this initiative is part of a broader effort to diversify evening-time offerings.


2. Addressing Anti-Social Behaviour and Safety Concerns

 To create a safe and welcoming evening-time environment, Grimsby is tackling issues such as anti-social behaviour (ASB), homelessness, and excessive drinking. 

Key measures include:

Enhanced CCTV and Control Centre: Improved surveillance ensures that activities are monitored, and quick responses can be made to any incidents.

 Safer Street Ambassadors: On Wednesday to Saturday evenings, ambassadors patrol the streets, offering assistance and ensuring safety for all community members.

3. Aesthetic Improvements to the Town Centre

The local council is working diligently to improve the look and feel of Victoria Street, Grimsby’s main high street. 

Efforts include:

Upgrading Shop Fronts: Transitioning from boarded-up shops to attractive, well-maintained storefronts to create a more inviting atmosphere.

Beautification Projects: Initiatives to enhance the aesthetic appeal of public spaces, making them more pleasant for evening strolls and leisure activities. This could include new lighting and planting. 

Work has started on Victoria Street but there is so much more to come in the next 6- 12 months. 


4. Promoting Diverse Evening-Time Activities

 A key to a successful evening-time economy is offering a variety of activities that appeal to different segments of the population. In addition to the cinema and leisure area, this could include:

 Evening Markets and Food Halls: Providing a platform for local vendors and a unique dining experience.

 Cultural Events and Performances: Showcasing local talent and cultural heritage through theatre, music, and art installations.

Family-Friendly Events: Organising activities such as outdoor movie nights, festivals, and interactive workshops that cater to families with children.

Building a Brighter Future for Grimsby

Grimsby’s efforts to revitalise its evening-time economy reflect a commitment to creating a vibrant, inclusive, and safe urban environment.

By diversifying evening-time offerings, addressing safety concerns, and enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the town centre, Grimsby is on its way to becoming a more dynamic and engaging place for residents and visitors alike.

The journey is ongoing, and the support and engagement of the community are crucial to its success.

Together, we can transform Grimsby’s evening-time economy into a positive urban development, providing a model for other towns to follow.

Stay tuned for more updates on our progress, and join us in celebrating the exciting changes happening in Grimsby!